
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She's got the Knack!

I've been really inspired by Knack Studios lately!  The vintage shabby-chic furniture is drool worthy!  I've been so inspired that I'm FINALLY getting around to painting my desk that I've had for as long as I can remember!  I painted it when I was around 12 and it's been the same since then.  it's a cute french style antique...and now I'm updating it and painting it my favorite color:  TURQUOISE!  So thank you!

Behr Paint: Gem Turquoise

here is my desk now (ignore the mess): 

as soon as I laid eye's on "Trudie" I knew exactly what to do with my desk!

I will keep you updated on how that goes :)

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much friend!

    .....the color you picked looks gorgeous! have fun, and can't wait to see it!

